Friday, May 27, 2011

This week I'm grateful for...

Lots of things.
So much has happened this past week that has made me realise how much I have to be grateful for.

1. I am grateful for having a computer.
I haven't been able to express my gratitude due to only having MiPhone, so I am definitely grateful for my computer. Also, grateful to my Mum, for buying a new computer, and giving me her old one.

2. I am grateful for the wonderful online community I have become a part of by blogging.
I started this blog to vent and remember life with young children as everyday goes by too quickly. I was rapt when my one follower became two. I have now cracked 100 followers since starting my blog in December and although completely unexpected, I am grateful and hope you'll all stick around to see where we end up.

3. I am grateful for the beautiful necklaces I received from AmbeRocks in the mail yesterday morning.
Miss E is teething. She cut one half an hour after this photo was taken. She maintained this beautiful happy face all day. Happy Bub, Happy Mum.

Aside from cracking it at BathTime when I have to take it off,
she's been a happy camper since receiving her "bling".

4. And lastly, I am grateful for the 12 seasons in which Christopher Meloni has been Elliot Stabler on Law & Order: S.V.U*
News broke today, that he is leaving the show... okay, I actually found out via St. Murphy, but still, I googled it, not because I think he would lie about something so serious, but because I needed to be informed about why he's going, and when it's happening. Turns out the website that announced his departure gave me nothing except knowledge that he is leaving, and dropping off the face of the earth by de-activating his Twitter & Facebook. I didn't even know he had either of these things! As Law & Order S.V.U is the only thing I would ignore my husband, if he were sporting a detached limb, for, I am a bit lost as to what to do when he leaves. It's the only thing I watch on television [aside from ABC2] and Stabler is the only reason I watch it. I may be in tears right now.
The chick who plays Olivia Benson is also rumoured to be leaving the show, but I don't like ogling her in her underwear, so I don't really give a hoot.

Fair-de-well Stabler. Image nicked from here.
Linking up with Maxabella Loves...
What are you grateful for this week? Head on over & share the linky love!


*If anyone would like to buy me all 12 seasons of Law & Order: S.V.U to make me feel better about the whole situation, I won't complain.!?


  1. great list of greatful's there ;) i to love my computer,i prefer mine over my laptop, iphone,ipad ;) your little miss is gorgeous! glad she is happy and so is mum. xx

  2. I too have computer love and gratitude this week!
    What a winning smile your little one has. It would cheer anyone.
    Am not much of a TV watcher myself so am of little use in suggesting alternative shows. Getting the series on DVD sounds like a good idea - perhaps put in a birthday request?

  3. Lovely to see you! She's a sweetie your girl. I never found teething to necessarily make a baby a grumpy pants. Mind you, mine were pretty grumpy whatever the teeth situation!!

    Congrats on 100 followers. That's a big milestone on this bloggy road we travel. x
